Produced by Cindy Liu
1080politics: My Ideal President
Produced by Nick Sexton and Amanda Morrison. Edited by Janette Lu
1080politics: “I’ll be supporting Donald Trump”
Produced by Nick Sexton
1080politics: Who are you supporting for President?
Produced by Nick Sexton and Amanda Morrison
The Real Food Co-Op
Produced by Chiara Ficarelli and Paige Amormino
Started five years ago, Real Food Co-Op is located in the basement of Edwards Hall in Mathey College. Currently composed of 25 members, RFC serves dinner every night of the week. Members part of the Co-Op are listed as independent since RFC does not provide all three meals. The Co-Op dues are $170 per semester.
1080politics: Princeton Votes
Produced by Amanda Morrison
Being Lesbian in PFA: “Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin”
Produced by Nick Sexton
In Their Own Words: The Black Justice League and the Princeton Open Campus Coalition
POCC, Produced by Will Gansa
BJL, Produced by Will Gansa and Azza Cohen
Princeton Says: Let the Prefrosh Speak
Produced by Nick Sexton, Angélica María Vielma, and Will Gansa
“Cueing Ashlyn” Teaser
A teaser of 1080p team member Lydia Cornett’s thesis documentary, “Cueing Ashlyn”
“Cueing Ashlyn” is a portrait of a family’s efforts to communicate with their 5-year-old deaf daughter, Ashlyn, in the midst of a continuous medical battle.
A screening of Lydia’s documentary— free and open to the public — will be held on Saturday, May 7, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. at the James M. Stewart ’32 Theater at 185 Nassau Street.